All 15 Floors of Luigi’s Mansion 3 RANKED

It’s Halloween, and there’s no better Nintendo game to play this time of year that’s as charming and ghostly as Luigi’s Mansion 3. In Luigi’s third ghost-busting adventure, the green brother must venture through a haunted hotel to save Mario, Peach, and the Toads who have been trapped in paintings by King Boo. To advance, Luigi defeats bosses on each floor to collect elevator buttons, letting him go up and up this mysterious hotel where you’ll find King Boo at the top. Every floor of this hotel is strange and unique with interesting puzzles, design, and boss fights. So, since it’s Halloween, let’s take a look at each floor in Luigi’s Mansion 3 and see which ones are the most fun and creative. By the way, I won’t be including floor B1 or floor 1, since they aren’t built like levels like the other floors. Of course, spoilers ahead if you haven’t completed the game. And with that, let’s-a-go!

#15: B2 – The Boilerworks

Listen, I don’t mind Gooigi. In fact, I think the gooey clone of Luigi adds a unique twist to the gameplay compared to past games. However, constantly pressing the right control stick to get from area to area is a bit annoying. In the Boilerworks, the worker ghost Clem floods the basement, making Luigi have to use a floaty tube to make his way across the waterways while Gooigi at higher ground uses the pulleys to let Luigi continue on without his tube getting popped by the spikes. This forces the player to switch back and forth between Luigi and Gooigi to make sure Luigi safely makes it to the switch to drain the water and make it back to Clem. In the boss fight, Luigi and Clem both in tubes float around a small, flooded area. Clem will try to approach you and attack with his fan, though after a couple of misses he’ll get dizzy, letting Luigi grab onto his floaty and fire it at the spikes surrounding the water. Then, Luigi can get out of the water to fight. The fight is an interesting idea, though very simple and the terrible controls of the floaty make it a slog to play.

Luigi's Mansion 3 5F gem locations guide and maps - Polygon

#14: 5F – RIP Suites

There’s nothing particularly bad about this floor, it’s just very simple compared to the higher floors. On this floor, Luigi will go through multiple generic suites to fight a maid ghost who holds onto an elevator button as well as Professor E. Gadd’s suitcase. Luigi goes from room to room fighting the ghost until her health drops to zero. It’s only the first main floor you’ll unlock, so it makes sense why it’s so simple; however, a bit more clever gameplay or more level would have been a bit more interesting.

#13: 9F – Unnatural History Museum

This is where you’ll rescue the first victim of King Boo. Blue Toad can be found in a painting on this floor, but in Luigi’s way is a giant skeleton dinosaur. The museum sight attacks Luigi by jumping up and down, causing rocks to fall from the ceiling. This also causes the two smaller dinosaur skeletons hanging from the ceiling to drop eggs, which Luigi can suck up and spit out at the dinosaur’s core. Once you do this twice, the dinosaur will free itself from its small confinement and start running around the area, making Luigi fire other items at it. Eventually, the caveman ghost inside will come out, which once defeated lets Luigi free Blue Toad and continue on. While the level’s design and details are great, the floor is centered only on the boss fight with no other puzzles to solve. The boss fight is still a good one.

#12: 2F – Mezzanine

While still not into the ‘absurdly unique’ themes for floors yet, the dining hall on the mezzanine level is still a fun area to explore. Luigi will venture through the dining hall, fighting ghosts along the way, where you’ll fight Chef Soulffle, who gives up pretty easily once you clear out the smoke in his kitchen. The chef will block himself with a pan to avoid the Poltergust’s strobe light, but once you fire one of the largest fruits found around the room at him, he’ll lose his shield, making him vulnerable to attack. It’s a pretty simple fight, but as Luigi grabs the elevator button, a rat comes out of nowhere and steals it. Luigi then goes on a wild goose chase to recollect it. This gets interesting, as Luigi lures it out of a hole with cheese in the dining hall and Gooigi goes through a sewer to defeat it and a bunch of other rats to finally retrieve the button. It’s a fun-themed floor with neat challenges.

#11: 4F – The Great Stage

This is another floor centered around a boss fight, however there are a lot of secret areas if you want to find them. If not, just open the doors into the music hall where you’ll find a piano on stage. After ghost pianist Amadeus Wolfgeist throws the theater’s chairs all across the space and Luigi busts his ghost group of dancers, the ghost captures the piano to begin the fight. The piano will slam down in the aisles to create shockwaves, and throw keys around as attacks. Once it throws bombs out, Luigi will have to launch one of them into the lid to make it blow up and flop onto its side, letting Luigi use Suction Shot to break it open and expose the ghost inside. The fight is fun and exciting, while also keeping you on your toes, though that’s pretty much it for this floor. There are some secret areas as I mentioned before, but you can just fight the piano and leave to move on to the next floor.

#10: 7F – Garden Suites

While not incredibly creative, the naturistic design of the suites on floor 7 do make for some unique puzzles. Luigi must climb up to the very top of this garden-themed floor to reach Dr. Potter, the boss ghost. Along the way, broken paths and vine-covered halls will force Luigi to sneak through the suites, where tons of different items and secrets can be found. The puzzles are unique, and there are a lot of secrets to find in each suite. The boss fight is fun, too. The ghost Dr. Potter uses his plant monster that lunges at Luigi to attack. Once it is lured onto a plant in the space, Luigi can use a buzzsaw to cut the plant away from Dr. Potter, making him vulnerable to attack. The floor is a fun and unique one, but it doesn’t have many memorable details or challenges.

#9: 14F – The Dance Hall

Sometimes, simple goes a long way. The floor before the final area is themed to a disco dance hall, with neon lights, records, and hidden rooms everywhere. This is another floor lacking a main level, as it’s basically just the boss fight. However, like the music hall, lots of secret areas and fun puzzles make the floor even more fun. Luigi and Gooigi can jump on light-up squares on the floor, spin records with the Poltergust, and so much more to find hidden areas and collectibles. The boss fight is unique, yet very easy and simple. DJ Phantasmagloria attacks by throwing records at Luigi, but just a burst will fling her large hair into the air, making her vulnerable to the strobe light. She also has 300 health, so this fight is pretty unmemorable and easy. The theme is pretty unique, but there isn’t a lot here.

#8: 10F – Tomb Suites

Seeing a pyramid in the middle of a floor in a hotel is a pretty odd sight to see, isn’t it? After Luigi finds himself trapped underneath this giant pyramid, he must solve lots of puzzles and slam lots of ghosts in order to reach the exit to fight the boss ghost Serpci. The puzzles are fun, though some of them are what I think are the hardest to solve in Luigi’s Mansion 3. However, they all still prove to be a fun time. Plus, the detail is very interesting, as it truly looks as if you are inside of a pyramid. The fight, on the other hand, is a bit more underwhelming. Serpci turns into a giant sand statue that runs across the area outside the pyramid. Once Luigi sucks up enough of the sand of the statue, the ghost inside comes out, and if her sand-covered snakes miss a shot on Luigi, she’ll become vulnerable to attack. Some of the attacks are weird, and there isn’t much strategy in the fight, but it can still be a fun brawl.

#7: 13F – Fitness Center

While not a completely unusual theme for a floor compared to the rest of the game, the Fitness Center still proves to be unique. Inside the gym-themed floor, Luigi will have to venture through many different rooms, including weight rooms, yoga rooms, and a fitness room with treadmills and bikes. There are lots of well-place secrets, hidden areas, and challenging puzzles. You’ll even have to walk on the side of the hotel at one point, which is pretty neat. The boss fight is fairly simple, on the other hand. Johnny Deepend throws volleyballs at you and squirts water from the gym’s pool. You’ll have to use one of his volleyballs to hit him as he gets ready to throw one at you. Once you do, the ghost will be stunned, letting you use Gooigi to safely turn the scale on the other side to drain the water in the pool. Then, hop in the pool and slam the ghost three times to win. It’s as simple as that, and it only takes a minute.

#6: 11F – Twisted Suites

Twisted Suites might have the most interactable objects out of any floor in Luigi’s Mansion 3. This floor is themed to magic, with magically and weirdly-designed set pieces decorating each room. What makes this floor odd is how there is no central hallway connecting the rooms, as each room is accessible from another room, along with a small hallway and a large room with a stage, snack stand, and tables. It’s a very strange floor, but that’s what makes it unique. The boss fight is pretty odd as well, and mixes magic and ghostbusting together perfectly. Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny are three magicians that attack Luigi with cards and electric beams. Once they surround you in their top hats, Luigi can burst to knock them away. Pull on one of their colored scarves to yank them out of that. They only have 100 health, so they are as easy to fight as a common ghost. Once you take one out, it’s replaced with a bomb, which means you’ll have to keep an eye on which one is the bomb and which is the ghost. It’s a difficult yet engaging battle. The floor can get a bit over the top with its gimmick, but it’s still fun.

#5: 12F – The Spectral Catch

This is another floor that’s more centered on the boss fight, but it’s still an unique and creative floor. This floor is themed to a fancy, pirate-themed restaurant. Its entrance is a huge pirate ship that you’ll need to use Super Suction to get rid of. The restaurant is beautifully decorated, with waterways, rock paths, pirate and ocean details, and so many more neat details. The fight takes place past the restaurant where you’ll find a giant body of water that looks like it goes on forever like an ocean. The boss fight takes place on a pirate ship, which appears when Luigi rings a bell on the dock. This fight is absolutely incredible. Captain Fishhook will possess the wood planks of the ship, and Oozers from above will throw exploding barrels at you. Using the Poltergust, Luigi can throw a barrel into the ghost’s mouth, eventually flinging him out of the boat. Eventually, the ghost will take over the side wall on the ship and start to slant the boat on its side, making Luigi use Suction Shot to hang onto a target. There’s a lot to the fight, and it’s all brilliant and exciting. I wish there was more level before the fight, but it’s still a fun level.

#4: 3F – Hotel Shops

While there isn’t a lot of stuff here compared to higher floors, the hotel shops are still a fun area to explore. On this floor, Luigi will have to find keys across multiple different shops to find the one that unlocks the mall cop ghost’s office door to start the fight. This is the first area after unlocking Gooigi. He is used heavily, as he is able to walk through the metal bars blocking the store entrances. There are some creative puzzles and fights on this floor, all leading to a simple yet engaging boss battle once you unlock the ghost’s door. Kruller will attack with a water gun, making it difficult since Gooigi will have to fight the ghost. Once you knock off his glasses, slam away. The fight doesn’t have a lot to it, nor does it have any strategy, but it’s still a fun battle.

Luigi's Mansion 3 6F gem locations guide and maps - Polygon

#3: 6F – Castle MacFrights

This is another floor that heavily uses Gooigi. In this giant, castle-themed area, Luigi and Gooigi will have to solve puzzles to advance through rooms to make it to the coliseum where the boss battle is located. From spikes to swinging axes and arrow-firing statues, Gooigi will have to find a way to let Luigi safely make it across these dangerous rooms. The boss fight is pretty exciting, as King MacFrights in his large knight armor will attack you on his horse. Once he starts to approach you, his head will pop out of the armor, letting you stun him with the strobe light and slam him after using Suction Shot. Eventually, he’ll come out of his armor, and it turns into a simpler battle where all he has is a shield, which you can easily knock away. It’s a more puzzling floor than most, and it’s really fun.

Luigi's Mansion 3 15F gems locations guide - Polygon

#2: 15F – Master Suite

There are a lot of fun, unique, and challenging missions on this floor. In King Boo’s penthouse on the top floor of the hotel, Luigi finds secret areas, rooms, and items to make it to the boss fights. In the halls, Luigi will need to find four keys to stick in the mouth of a King Boo statue, exposing Hellen Gravely’s surveillance room. The rooms with keys require careful exploration as lasers and other obstacles stand in your way. These puzzling rooms make for an interesting and fun level before the fights. First is Hellen Gravely herself, and the fight is pretty great. A laser machine in the center of the area attacks Luigi with a red laser that spins quickly around the room, or with the four larger laser shields confining Luigi to a quarter of the room while Gravely floats around. Underground, Gooigi must switch off the lasers one by one allowing Luigi to fight Gravely. While not unbelievably difficult, it’s still a climactic and exciting battle. King Boo’s fight is a bit of a downgrade, though still exciting. King Boo (and his clones eventually) attack Luigi in several different ways, and Luigi will have to shoot the bombs the ghost throws in his mouth as an attack, before Luigi and Gooigi can slam him on the roof. It’s an incredibly exciting and challenging level, and a great end to the game.

Luigi's Mansion 3 8F gems guide - Polygon

#1: 8F – Paranormal Productions

Not many hotels have a film production floor, but The Last Resort does, and it’s really creative. Luigi’s first goal is to get ghost film producer Morty his megaphone. Of the four smaller sets on the floor, Luigi will need to bring a different item from each set to retrieve the megaphone by transporting through magical TVs. On each set, Luigi can look into the camera, and Gooigi can explore the small area, which is more intricate and detailed once looking through the camera. This unique concept leads to Morty using Luigi to record a fight scene on a giant movie set, where Luigi fights a giant Godzilla-based creature. The creature will blow large fireballs at you, which Luigi and Gooigi can blow back as an attack. It’s an engaging battle, and it seems even more cinematic through Morty’s camera. It’s a really creative and unique floor that’s so compelling it makes me feel guilty if I decide to suck up Morty from his office, which is optional. It’s a really neat floor, and my favorite to explore in Luigi’s Mansion 3.


What is your favorite level in Luigi’s Mansion 3? Let us know in the comments below.

Ryan’s Fortress Twitter: @RyansFortress

*All map pictures from

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